Heart Sound Recorder
Your Heart Is the Most Important Muscle In Your Body
Every day your heart beats 100,000 times, sending 2,000 gallons of blood surging through your body.

The Heart Sound Recorder is a computer-based, general wellness monitor which uses the principles of auscultation to observe heart sounds. The heart’s reaction to certain stressors, (i.e., nutritional, chemical and emotional) can be observed using this device. Additionally, the nutritional efficiency of the heart impacts every organ in the body.
Feeding your heart will support your overall health and vitality.
The Heart Sound Recorder (HSR) was developed in 1937 by Dr. Royal Lee, founder of Standard Process. Dr. Lee recognized the significance of the heart as a diagnostic indicator when he designed the Endocardiograph, an earlier version of the Heart Sound Recorder. This cardiovascular assessment tool allows the heart sounds to be graphed and provide us with valuable information:
♥ Whether your heart function is optimal or less than optimal
♥ If your body’s chemistry is balanced
♥ If your body’s nutritional deficiencies are causing stress on your heart
♥ What specific nutritional support your body is requiring
In comparison, the EKG (electrocardiograph) records only the surface electrical impulses as it moves through the nerves of the heart tissue. The EKG primarily indicates if the heart tissue has had trauma or permanent damage on an electrical basis. The EKG does not analyze valvular function, muscle efficiency, motor nerve function or blood viscosity. The EKG’s sole purpose is to diagnose disease.
The Heart Sound Recorder analyzes heart function, measuring heart sounds as a reflection of balanced body chemistry, nutrition and overall function of the body’s organs and systems which can be affected by circulatory, adrenal stress, kidney function, thyroid, liver and gall bladder. Heart function and sound can also be affected by vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and toxins. The Heart Sound Recorder reflects the efficiency and deficiencies of the heart function.
Your nervous system controls the RATE at which your heart beats. One side of your nervous system (sympathetic) manages your “fight or flight” response and can accelerate your heart rate. The other side (parasympathetic) manages your “rest and digest” response and can slow your heart rate. You need a healthy balance between the two.
The RHYTHM of your heart should show a specific work to rest ratio on the graph. Your heart should be resting twice as long as it is working. Observations are made to see if your heart is working too hard, or not working hard enough.
The TONE of your heart is referring to the strength of the ventricles as they push blood through your body. The height and width of the “lub dub” sound your heart makes on the graph, shows how efficiently your heart is pushing blood through your body and refilling to prepares for the next cardiac cycle.

“The heart is the most reflective muscle of balanced nutrition or malnutrition…” -Dr. Royal Lee
As with any wellness device, recommendations for lifestyle changes implied by using this technology should be undertaken only with the guidance of a licensed physician, therapist, or holistic healthcare practitioner. The findings from this device can be used to support, but should not be used in place of sound medical therapies and recommendations.